Missing Message Thread
(too old to reply)
Chris Schram
2021-03-11 22:02:21 UTC
There is an ongoing message thread in some of the comp.sys.mac.* groups
that is making it to eternal-september, but is completely absent on

The thread is crossposted to four groups, two of which are not in the
Big Eight official hierarchy, if that matters.

The subject of the thread is only of passing interest to me, but I'm
reporting it in case there is a bigger problem that needs addressing.
Thank you.

Subject: A retrospective look at Mac OS X Snow Leopard
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.software,comp.sys.mac.system,comp.sys.mac.systems
Message-ID: <X6ydnXue7Jgg5qD9nZ2dnUU7-***@earthlink.com>
***@me.com is a filtered spam magnet. Email replies may be lost.
You're better off replying to this newsgroup.
😉 Good Guy 😉
2021-03-11 23:18:43 UTC
Post by Chris Schram
The thread is crossposted to four groups, two of which are not in the
Big Eight official hierarchy, if that matters.
I suspect it is because of cross-posting to more than 3 newsgroups.  I
have in the past tried to post to:


Mixmin and Eternal and others posted them but aioe didn't.  Then I tried
with just two newsgroups and this time it was posted to aioe without any

Also, my HTML posts don't get posted on aioe when I try to post directly
rather than going via other services. So clearly something is amiss here.

Me thinks so anyway!!
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satisfaction is higher than any previous version of windows.
2021-03-13 09:25:06 UTC
Post by 😉 Good Guy 😉
I suspect it is because of cross-posting to more than 3 newsgroups.
at the moment, usenet (and my server) are suffering for a large flood,
rules in these days are less permissive
