post and retrieve errors
(too old to reply)
2020-11-05 12:15:01 UTC
Over the past couple weeks I've been having numerous errors when
retrieving or posting messages. Usually I have to restart my
newsreader to make it work but that doesn't always work either.
Eventually it clears itself up after several tries. Here is the latest
error message:

20201105 07:11:38.442 TID=31080- Error in thread "Get article list for
aioe" - Class: EIdConnClosedGracefully, Message: Connection Closed
2020-11-05 15:13:26 UTC
Post by badgolferman
Over the past couple weeks I've been having numerous errors when
retrieving or posting messages. Usually I have to restart my
newsreader to make it work but that doesn't always work either.
Eventually it clears itself up after several tries. Here is the latest
20201105 07:11:38.442 TID=31080- Error in thread "Get article list for
aioe" - Class: EIdConnClosedGracefully, Message: Connection Closed
That sounds like corruption in your local Newsbase. Does it affect all
groups, or only one? If only one group (which one?) try: unsubscribe
that group; quit and restart your newsreader; check other groups behave
normally; then resubscribe to the troublesome group and see if the
erratic behaviour comes back.

If it affects all groups, try using a different newsreader. Whatever,
I think it sounds like a problem local to you.
^Ï^ <***@gmail.com>

My pet rock Gordon just is.
2020-11-06 08:59:27 UTC
Post by badgolferman
20201105 07:11:38.442 TID=31080- Error in thread "Get article list for
aioe" - Class: EIdConnClosedGracefully, Message: Connection Closed
do you know your ip address?
it sounds like a your side problem, are you using an extremely slow
2020-11-06 12:27:23 UTC
Post by Aioe
Post by badgolferman
20201105 07:11:38.442 TID=31080- Error in thread "Get article list
for aioe" - Class: EIdConnClosedGracefully, Message: Connection
Closed Gracefully.
do you know your ip address?
it sounds like a your side problem, are you using an extremely slow
It is possible the fault may be with the VPN connection I am on. Next
time it happens I will disconnect from VPN and see if it continues.

My connection is not slow.
