aioe newsgroups
(too old to reply)
2021-02-05 02:23:57 UTC
Just a few questions. Not urgent.


In chapter 4 "Lists of aioe.* groups" I see 8 newsgroups.
aioe.it.discussioni (Italian)
aioe.news.assistenza (Italian)
aioe.news.nocem (Closed)
aioe.test.moderated (Moderated)

When I search for newsgroups with "aioe" in the name
at the aioe newsserver I find 10 newsgroups;
The 8 mentioned above plus:

Of course the last one is not in the aioe.* hierarchie.

What is the difference between the 2 helpdesk newsgroups?

Why is the second one not mentioned on your website?

Eternal september and neodome have another aioe group:
But on both servers this group is empty.
A former (deleted) newsgroup?

Best regards,
2021-02-06 08:38:33 UTC
Post by Rink
What is the difference between the 2 helpdesk newsgroups?
aioe.news.helpdesk aioe.helpdesk
Many years ago, at the beginning of its history, aioe.org also provided
other services besides the news server.
The aioe.news.helpdesk group is intended to provide an helpdesk for news
server clients, the only service still provided; aioe.helpdesk was
designed to assist users of the other services that don't exist no more.
Post by Rink
Why is the second one not mentioned on your website?
because it's useless and i can't delete it from my USENET hierarchy
2021-02-07 02:18:09 UTC
Post by Aioe
Post by Rink
What is the difference between the 2 helpdesk newsgroups?
aioe.news.helpdesk aioe.helpdesk
Many years ago, at the beginning of its history, aioe.org also
provided other services besides the news server. The
aioe.news.helpdesk group is intended to provide an helpdesk for news
server clients, the only service still provided; aioe.helpdesk was
designed to assist users of the other services that don't exist no more.
Post by Rink
Why is the second one not mentioned on your website?
because it's useless and i can't delete it from my USENET hierarchy
Thank you for your answer.
A aioe history I did not know....

But I did know that a newsgroup cannot be deleted.
You can delete it on your own newsserver, but most of
the other newsservers shall not delete it.
(just like the other aioe newsgroup I mentioned)

Probably the champion is the English language newsgroup
Closed by Microsoft in (I think) 2013, when they closed their
complete newsserver with many hundreds of newsgroups.
But microsoft.public.windowsxp.general still is the leading
English windows-XP newsgroup after all these years with
about 100 messages per month.

