441 Error Banlst
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2019-01-08 02:34:17 UTC
Posts to alt.home.repair are rejected because of banlist.
2019-01-11 05:57:18 UTC
Post by catalpa
Posts to alt.home.repair are rejected because of banlist.
Soon AIOE will have ALL the newsgroups on a banlist. But who cares,
Usenet is dead anyhow. alt.home.repair has been trashed by idiots and
trolls for 2 years already and is no longer worth going there.

Either use Facefuck, or stop using the internet. Those are the only
choices. The internet is DEAD!
2019-01-12 21:53:24 UTC
Post by a***@online.none
Post by catalpa
Posts to alt.home.repair are rejected because of banlist.
Soon AIOE will have ALL the newsgroups on a banlist. But who cares,
Usenet is dead anyhow. alt.home.repair has been trashed by idiots and
trolls for 2 years already and is no longer worth going there.
Either use Facefuck, or stop using the internet. Those are the only
choices. The internet is DEAD!
I will not use faceplant.

All the interwebs are all full of idiots and trolls. LCD is the norm for the
2019-01-15 03:24:34 UTC
Post by catalpa
Post by a***@online.none
Post by catalpa
Posts to alt.home.repair are rejected because of banlist.
Soon AIOE will have ALL the newsgroups on a banlist. But who cares,
Usenet is dead anyhow. alt.home.repair has been trashed by idiots and
trolls for 2 years already and is no longer worth going there.
Either use Facefuck, or stop using the internet. Those are the only
choices. The internet is DEAD!
I will not use faceplant.
All the interwebs are all full of idiots and trolls. LCD is the norm for the
I would not use facebook, even if they paid people to use it. Facebook
is EVIL. It invades personal privacy, its full of rubbish and rude
assholes. It's set up to make users waste their lives finding useful
content. I often hear people saying "I can keep track of family and send
them pictures". Guess what, you can do the same thing with email, and no
one else reads it except the person who it was sent to. Facebook ruined
the internet. I used to go to websites to find out where local
entertainers were performing. Now they all use facebook, and few have
websites anymore.

Several months ago, I pulled the plug on the internet. I was paying an
ISP for internet service at home. At one time it was worth the cost, but
I decided it was just money going to waste now. If I need to research
something or look up some information, I just go to a public WIFI now,
and use my laptop. I regularly save websites and videos to my hard drive
to view later, from home. I repeat, Facebook ruined the internet !
I'm not wasting my money for an internet dominated by the evils of

alt.home.repair was once my favorite newsgroup to read. The last time I
was there, I got over 1000 messages and only saw one or two that were on
topic. And that is AFTER my filters cleared away all the worst abusers.
Wading thru all the rubbish on there was not worth my time. I deleted
all the messages and have not been back since. With 99 out of every 100
newsgroups being empty now, the few that still have activity are mostly
all full of off topic rubbish, mostly politics, rude comments and
trolls. So, the newsgroups are dead too. With that said, I dont really
care if all the newsgroups are put on a banlist.....

But none of this is a big surprise. In the 80's the CB radio died.
Nearly all AM radioo stations are gone now and FM is not far behind.
Shortwave radio is almost dead too.

And this does not come as a surprise that television is on its way to
the cemetery too. Im revealing my age. In the 1950's thru the 80's
television was great and there were some awesome shows. much of them
were black and white, but fun to watch. These days we have HDTV color
sets and home theaters. But there is nothing worth watching on tv
anymore. I use my HDTV to watch the old programs from the 50's thru 80's
on the "oldies" channels, and many of them are black and white.

We have NOT advanced in our society. We have gone backwards if anything!

But I can at least tell my grand children that there was once a time
when people laughed.....
Fred McKenzie
2019-01-15 16:52:29 UTC
Post by a***@online.none
We have NOT advanced in our society. We have gone backwards if anything!
Your grandchildren will someday say the same thing about their

When I was little, the "Milk Man" delivered milk to our door. Before
homogenization, some glass milk bottles had a bulged neck, so cream
could be separated from the milk.

Life goes on.

Home Guy
2019-01-16 04:42:20 UTC
Post by a***@online.none
Im revealing my age. In the 1950's thru the 80's
television was great and there were some awesome shows. much of them
were black and white, but fun to watch. These days we have HDTV color
sets and home theaters. But there is nothing worth watching on tv
anymore. I use my HDTV to watch the old programs from the 50's thru 80's
on the "oldies" channels, and many of them are black and white.
We have NOT advanced in our society. We have gone backwards if anything!
You (or perhaps your children) allowed leftists to educate your
grandkids. That is problem #1. They have been brainwashed into
thinking boys can be girls and vice-versa. Boys are told their
masculine nature is toxic. Girls are told they will not be happy unless
they have a career - not a husband and family.

So that's problem #1. You are, to some extent, responsible for that.
If you are a liberal, you gave too much slack and looked the other way
when the leftists were indoctrinating your kids and your grand kids.

Problem #2 was the neo-cons (Bush, cheney, etc) and the US
military-industrial complex, who (while largely under the control of
Isreal) plunged the US into decades of endless (if not illegal or
immoral and certainly criminal) wars.

You are, again, responsible for that also. You rewarded Bush by
re-electing him. Then you elected a baboon for 8 years and he did
nothing but continue to destabilize the middle east.

You ruined your economy, and hence you caused an entire generation to
warehouse themselves in college and university (the debt they acquired
in student loans is now legendary, and will follow them the rest of
their lives).

You have a lost generation, now 20 or 30 something, who have no
prospects of achieving financial independence or forming family units
like was done in the 1960's through the 90's. They are now leftists who
have been taught to hate the USA (their own country) and what it stands
for. They are told to be ashamed they are white, and to atone for their
white privilege.

You now have a divided country, with a shell of it's former economy that
does not have enough jobs for you grandkids to ever have a chance for
lifelong careers but instead a series of part-time mostly service jobs.

That's why your country is tied up in knots, and why there is so much
focus on screaming at each other instead of down-to-earth talk about
home repair.

Fred McKenzie
2019-01-12 15:59:52 UTC
Post by catalpa
Posts to alt.home.repair are rejected because of banlist.
I just discovered this. For that posting, I used news.mixmin.net.

2019-01-12 21:54:36 UTC
Post by Fred McKenzie
Post by catalpa
Posts to alt.home.repair are rejected because of banlist.
I just discovered this. For that posting, I used news.mixmin.net.
I have other means available, but want all things to work properly.