411 No such group alt.usage.english
(too old to reply)
Ivan Shmakov
2018-03-13 02:24:46 UTC
... The alt.usage.english newsgroup was certainly there last

I: alt.usage.english: Selected group (34948; 710582 to 745544)
I: alt.usage.english: 577 (710848-711424) article numbers to consider (via XOVER)
I: @1520444733 nntp.aioe.org:6144:8076:3965014:19135985
I: alt.usage.english: Fetched 476 articles
I: alt.usage.english: 101 articles assumed to have been fetched earlier

Is there any reason it's no longer on Aioe?

FSF associate member #7257 http://am-1.org/~ivan/
2018-03-13 08:30:12 UTC
Post by Ivan Shmakov
Is there any reason it's no longer on Aioe?
alt.usage.english is still carried by the server

$ cat /var/lib/news/active | grep alt.usage.english
alt.usage.english 0000746955 0000711788 y

... end new articles are accepted,

head <***@brightview.co.uk>
221 0 <***@brightview.co.uk> head

but group is reported as missing

this sounds like an overview corruption. Since overview generation
requires many hours, this task will be performed during the next weekend
when less people use the server. Since server still accepts the new
articles sent to alt.usage.english, there is no loss of articles and this
makes less urgent to fix it

thank you for your report
