speaking of spammy crossposting ...
(too old to reply)
2020-07-24 16:25:30 UTC
There's currently a bunch of articles being crossposted to

talk.politics.guns, rec.arts.sf.tv, alt.checkmate

that are off-topic for rec.arts.sf.tv. Similar to the recent
rec.arts.tv case, these are articles in rec.arts. that are crossposted
to non-rec.* groups, but by itself that may be too broad of a test.
😉 Good Guy 😉
2020-07-24 16:45:27 UTC
Post by Winston
There's currently a bunch of articles being crossposted to
talk.politics.guns, rec.arts.sf.tv, alt.checkmate
that are off-topic for rec.arts.sf.tv. Similar to the recent
rec.arts.tv case, these are articles in rec.arts. that are crossposted
to non-rec.* groups, but by itself that may be too broad of a test.
There are people like snit, David_B, steve Caroll, diesel, James, Micky,
Michael, Commander Kinsey and others are determined to destroy these
newsgroups.  They are doing it deliberately.

They should be banned but this is not going to happen soon.  Just filter
them and move on.
With over 1.2 billion devices now running Windows 10, customer
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2020-07-25 01:25:37 UTC
Post by 😉 Good Guy 😉
There are people like snit, David_B, steve Caroll, diesel, James,
Micky, Michael, Commander Kinsey and others are determined to destroy
these newsgroups.  They are doing it deliberately.
They're hardly the only ones to have done that.
Post by 😉 Good Guy 😉
They should be banned but this is not going to happen soon.  Just
filter them and move on.
Simply ignoring them is even easier. :)

The only reason I even mentioned it was because Estasi had blocked
articles crossposted to rec.arts.tv for abuse, I'd commented that
crossposts between that and rec.arts.sf.tv were common, and these were
examples of off-topic articles that could be recognized by their
crossposting to non-rec.* groups and might be the same gang he was
trying to block for abuse (but IDK).

In the long history of USENET, it's not like I haven't seen this (and
much worse) before. :-/
2020-07-25 11:46:55 UTC
Post by Winston
Post by 😉 Good Guy 😉
There are people like snit, David_B, steve Caroll, diesel, James,
Micky, Michael, Commander Kinsey and others are determined to destroy
these newsgroups.  They are doing it deliberately.
They're hardly the only ones to have done that.
Post by 😉 Good Guy 😉
They should be banned but this is not going to happen soon.  Just
filter them and move on.
Simply ignoring them is even easier. :)
The only reason I even mentioned it was because Estasi had blocked
articles crossposted to rec.arts.tv for abuse, I'd commented that
crossposts between that and rec.arts.sf.tv were common, and these were
examples of off-topic articles that could be recognized by their
crossposting to non-rec.* groups and might be the same gang he was
trying to block for abuse (but IDK).
In the long history of USENET, it's not like I haven't seen this (and
much worse) before. :-/
Are the people whose crossposts have you so butthurt using constant
From: headers rather than morphing?

Then killfile them, or if you can, even killfile crossposts to politics
newsgroups or whatever ("Newsgroups: contains talk.politics" or similar

I bet most of the people you named don't even post through AIOE, so that
would be a lot more effective than bugging AIOE's admin to engage in

But then, I'm guessing you want to hurt them more than you want to
improve your own reading experience. Which makes you a bully and a jerk. :/
"To explain the unknown by the known is a logical procedure; to explain
the known by the unknown is a form of theological lunacy." ~David Brooks
"I get fooled all the time by the constant hosiery parade
in here." ~Checkmate
2020-07-25 18:43:18 UTC
Post by Winston
There's currently a bunch of articles being crossposted to
talk.politics.guns, rec.arts.sf.tv, alt.checkmate
could you send me to ***@aioe.org some sample?
i need them in order to block the abuser
2020-07-25 21:14:30 UTC
Post by Aioe
Post by Winston
There's currently a bunch of articles being crossposted to
talk.politics.guns, rec.arts.sf.tv, alt.checkmate
i need them in order to block the abuser
To be clear:

1) I'm NOT asking you to block them; they're a minor annoyance easily
ignored; (this isn't the kind of disruptive that, say, the floods of
50-100k articles/day on NANAE were years ago);

2) The only reason I even mentioned it was because you said you'd
blocked crossposts to rec.arts.tv because of abuse, and perhaps these
are the same people, now using rec.arts.sf.tv instead of rec.arts.tv;

3) They may have moved on already, since I haven't seen much in the last
few hours.

For samples, see the articles on rec.arts.sf.tv with the subject:

Re: Protesters are being snatched from the streets without
warrants. Can we call it fascism yet?

(As I write, that's 48 of the most recent 55 articles.)

Your server, your rules, and whatever you decide, including taking no
action, is fine with me.

Thanks for AIOE!
2020-07-26 03:18:20 UTC
Post by Winston
Re: Protesters are being snatched from the streets without
warrants. Can we call it fascism yet?
(As I write, that's 48 of the most recent 55 articles.)
If it's a single thread that's annoying you why not just killfile that
thread and move on with your life? Yeeeesh.

"To explain the unknown by the known is a logical procedure; to explain
the known by the unknown is a form of theological lunacy." ~David Brooks
"I get fooled all the time by the constant hosiery parade
in here." ~Checkmate
2020-07-26 10:51:40 UTC
Post by kensi
Post by Winston
Re: Protesters are being snatched from the streets without
warrants. Can we call it fascism yet?
(As I write, that's 48 of the most recent 55 articles.)
If it's a single thread that's annoying you why not just killfile that
thread and move on with your life? Yeeeesh.
So says "kensi" (Paul Derbyshire) -
- one of the most prolific perpetrators of crossposting abuse.

"Everyone died in the end", he said. "Very tragic. I cried
all the way, I don't mind telling you. She was so pale."
~~ Grabpot Thundergust in Wyrd Sisters.
2020-07-27 02:40:04 UTC
Post by Tr!pe
Post by kensi
Post by Winston
Re: Protesters are being snatched from the streets without
warrants. Can we call it fascism yet?
(As I write, that's 48 of the most recent 55 articles.)
If it's a single thread that's annoying you why not just killfile that
thread and move on with your life? Yeeeesh.
So says "kensi" (Paul Derbyshire)
Proof, ko0k?
Post by Tr!pe
- one of the most prolific perpetrators of crossposting abuse.
Proof, k0Ok?

Meanwhile, you have not actually given any objection to the advice
previously posted. It's *almost* as if you wrote this not because you
have any problem with what that post *said* but because you have a
(personal) problem with *who posted it*. But that would be
intellectually dishonest of you, so *surely* there is another
explanation ...
"To explain the unknown by the known is a logical procedure; to explain
the known by the unknown is a form of theological lunacy." ~David Brooks
"I get fooled all the time by the constant hosiery parade
in here." ~Checkmate
2020-07-27 12:55:29 UTC
Post by kensi
Post by Tr!pe
Post by kensi
Post by Winston
Re: Protesters are being snatched from the streets without
warrants. Can we call it fascism yet?
(As I write, that's 48 of the most recent 55 articles.)
If it's a single thread that's annoying you why not just killfile that
thread and move on with your life? Yeeeesh.
So says "kensi" (Paul Derbyshire)
Proof, ko0k?
Post by Tr!pe
- one of the most prolific perpetrators of crossposting abuse.
Proof, k0Ok?
Meanwhile, you have not actually given any objection to the advice
previously posted. It's *almost* as if you wrote this not because you
have any problem with what that post *said* but because you have a
(personal) problem with *who posted it*. But that would be
intellectually dishonest of you, so *surely* there is another
explanation ...
Are you having problems, Paul?
Oh dear, how sad, never mind.


"Everyone died in the end", he said. "Very tragic. I cried
all the way, I don't mind telling you. She was so pale."
~~ Grabpot Thundergust in Wyrd Sisters.