Short server outage on Sunday
(too old to reply)
2018-10-12 14:42:29 UTC
Sunday, October 14, the service will be suspended for about an hour to
allow me to update many scripts that are used under the skin by the
The long process of modernizing the news server continues a bit at a time
and you should see that the server works in a better manner than two years
After this outage, the news server will use only scripts maintained by
me, written in the last ten years and updated on a regular basis.
Jack Granade
2018-10-14 13:49:57 UTC
Post by Aioe
Sunday, October 14, the service will be suspended for about an hour to
allow me to update many scripts that are used under the skin by the
The long process of modernizing the news server continues a bit at a time
and you should see that the server works in a better manner than two years
After this outage, the news server will use only scripts maintained by
me, written in the last ten years and updated on a regular basis.
Thank you for your service!
