Fix your damn IP filter
(too old to reply)
2019-07-27 11:20:23 UTC
In order to avoid mass abuses, every IP address is authorized to post
no more than 40 messages per day.
Why, then, is the error for this tripping after 20 or even only 15 messages?

Something is broken. Fix it.
"To explain the unknown by the known is a logical procedure; to explain
the known by the unknown is a form of theological lunacy." ~David Brooks
"I get fooled all the time by the constant hosiery parade
in here." ~Checkmate
Uncle Kent
2019-07-29 09:24:14 UTC
Post by kensi
In order to avoid mass abuses, every IP address is authorized to post
no more than 40 messages per day.
Why, then, is the error for this tripping after 20 or even only 15 messages?
Europe ran out of IPv4 addresses in 2012. Since then, more and more ISPs
need to share IPv4 addresses between users. More and more users like
kensi find themselves sharing an IPv4 address with other users.

Someone sharing kensi's IP address posts 20 messages, kensi posts 20
messages, the limit of 40 is reached for kensi's IP address.
Post by kensi
Something is broken. Fix it.
kensi must fix it at his end, by getting himself an IP address which is
not shared.
2019-07-30 03:28:42 UTC
Post by Uncle Kent
Post by kensi
In order to avoid mass abuses, every IP address is authorized to post
no more than 40 messages per day.
Why, then, is the error for this tripping after 20 or even only 15 messages?
Europe ran out of IPv4 addresses in 2012. Since then, more and more ISPs
need to share IPv4 addresses between users. More and more users like
kensi find themselves sharing an IPv4 address with other users.
Someone sharing kensi's IP address posts 20 messages, kensi posts 20
messages, the limit of 40 is reached for kensi's IP address.
Post by kensi
Something is broken. Fix it.
kensi must fix it at his end, by getting himself an IP address which is
not shared.
yep, CGNat is use in most countries now because of it and the slack take
up of ipv6.

and if anyone spoke to me like that I'd deliberately take a fucking
holiday before even considering looking at it. disrespectcful freeloading
turds who think the world owes them everything, when it in fact owes them
2019-07-31 03:56:47 UTC
Post by noel
and if anyone spoke to me like that I'd deliberately take a fucking
holiday before even considering looking at it. disrespectcful freeloading
turds who think the world owes them everything, when it in fact owes them
Surely you don't think it doesn't even owe us "not blatantly lying right
to our faces"?
"To explain the unknown by the known is a logical procedure; to explain
the known by the unknown is a form of theological lunacy." ~David Brooks
"I get fooled all the time by the constant hosiery parade
in here." ~Checkmate
2019-07-31 07:13:13 UTC
Post by kensi
Post by noel
and if anyone spoke to me like that I'd deliberately take a fucking
holiday before even considering looking at it. disrespectcful freeloading
turds who think the world owes them everything, when it in fact owes them
Surely you don't think it doesn't even owe us "not blatantly lying right
to our faces"?
Next up: a Paul Derbyshire tantrum.
^Ï^ My pet rock Gordon just is.