Is Neodome Blocked/Blacklisted?
(too old to reply)
2021-04-22 13:06:19 UTC
Last night I posted two articles to alt.comp.os.windows-10 using the Neodome
NNTP server. Neither post made it onto AIOE. They subsequently did appear on
Eternal September and Astraweb.

Is Neodome blocked here for some reason?

Thanks and regards.
2021-04-22 14:41:33 UTC
Post by blue
Is Neodome blocked here for some reason?
yes, neodome is blocked here: all messages sent by neodome users are not
shown by my server.
neodome is a poorly managed public news server that does not take
measures to prevent abuses by its users; the abuse desk does not react
when abuses are reported and neodome adiministrator refuses to add
filtering rules for local messages that prevent its users from
continuing the abuses in progress.
Rejecting all messages that come from neodome is the only way to protect
my users from all the garbage that comes from that server
2021-04-22 17:06:45 UTC
Post by Aioe
Post by blue
Is Neodome blocked here for some reason?
yes, neodome is blocked here: all messages sent by neodome users are not
shown by my server.
neodome is a poorly managed public news server that does not take
measures to prevent abuses by its users; the abuse desk does not react
when abuses are reported and neodome adiministrator refuses to add
filtering rules for local messages that prevent its users from
continuing the abuses in progress.
Rejecting all messages that come from neodome is the only way to protect
my users from all the garbage that comes from that server
Thanks for the detailed rundown. On the basis of your comments, which I suspect
are accurate, it sounds like Neodome is not a server I'd want to be associated

Also, thanks for your great service and your time here.

2021-04-22 15:16:19 UTC
Post by blue
Last night I posted two articles to alt.comp.os.windows-10 using the Neodome
NNTP server. Neither post made it onto AIOE. They subsequently did appear on
Eternal September and Astraweb.
Is Neodome blocked here for some reason?
Thanks and regards.
Multiple free servers were hit with Hipcrime floods recently.
This is a sample post, made through Neodome.


Netfront.net was also used for a Hipcrime flood, and their
response was to go permanently read-only.

2021-04-22 17:12:05 UTC
Post by Paul
Multiple free servers were hit with Hipcrime floods recently.
This is a sample post, made through Neodome.
Netfront.net was also used for a Hipcrime flood, and their
response was to go permanently read-only.
Thanks for the info and link. It boggles my mind that people choose to abuse
such a precious resource.

