Server problems?
(too old to reply)
2019-07-10 09:40:01 UTC
For the past 2 days when trying to connect to nntp.aioe.org on port
119 after midnight (GMT + 0100) I've been getting this:

"400 Permission denied: Too many connections"

I also got it on news.aioe.org. Retrying later is no better but the
problem is gone by morning. Are the servers now getting busier at that
time or are you under some kind of attack?
2019-07-11 06:57:14 UTC
Post by Apd
For the past 2 days when trying to connect to nntp.aioe.org on port
The server's system resources are not unlimited and therefore must be economized.
Therefore the amount of system resources that can be used in a day by a single IP
address is limited: if a user exceeds these thresholds, he is first banned from
the service and then, if he continues, he is blocked by the firewall.
The list of all the limits is contained in this page:


You have tried to open a TCP connection with the server more than 600 times in one day
and it is an anomalous and very high value. As usual, the ban was automatically removed
at 4am tonight.
2019-07-11 08:04:31 UTC
Post by Aioe
The server's system resources are not unlimited and therefore must be economized.
Therefore the amount of system resources that can be used in a day by a single IP
address is limited: if a user exceeds these thresholds, he is first banned from
the service and then, if he continues, he is blocked by the firewall.
You have tried to open a TCP connection with the server more than 600 times in one day
and it is an anomalous and very high value. As usual, the ban was automatically removed
at 4am tonight.
Thank you for explaining and I completely understand. I didn't think I
was over-using the service. I blame Outlook Express which makes a load
of connections every time I sync the groups.

My apologies.
2019-07-12 14:43:08 UTC
My apologize
This is an interesting thread since you're the first user that reports to be
banned despite a legitimate use of service.
I don't know how Outlook works under the hood but a so high number of
connections Is really uncommon here: 99.9% of server users open less
connections than you. Assuming that Outlook isn't neither a stand alone
nor a server program and so it runs when It Is executed by the user, it's
hard for me to figure why it opens so many connections even if it's
configured with legitimate settings and this makes difficult for me to
avoid that you're banned.
You should note that in a day there are 1440 minutes, with a single
connection per time a threshold of 600 connectios makes legitimate a poll
every 144 seconds, with four concurrent connections a poll every ten
minutes with some spare connection.
If Outlook opens four concurrent connections every five minutes, it hits the
threshold after 12 hours of continuous service. Do you keep Outlook alive
for a so long *continuous* time?
