(too old to reply)
2019-02-06 17:06:10 UTC
I got a message rejected for using BadWords in comp.arch.fpga.

The question was why some implement a full networking solution in an
FPGA instead of doing the networking in a processor.
My reply was (Quote removed)

"It is not strange considering that the main market for that is Wall
Street. You want to take in packets and reply within the shortest
possible time.
When an offer for a bunch of shares come in with a good price,
the first that replies will get to buy the shares.
The replies are expected in (fractions of) microseconds, and no CPU
can analyze an incoming packet and make a buy/no buy decision and reply
in microseconds.


What is wrong with this?
I tired changing the message, but after some fails,
I was told that there was too many errors.

What to do?

😉 Good Guy 😉
2019-02-06 20:17:25 UTC
Post by A.P.Richelieu
What to do?
Use something else. There are many free news servers in the wild. Ask
David_B on Windows 10 newsgroup.
With over 950 million devices now running Windows 10, customer
satisfaction is higher than any previous version of windows.
Dave Smith
2019-02-06 22:08:46 UTC
Post by 😉 Good Guy 😉
Post by A.P.Richelieu
What to do?
Use something else. There are many free news servers in
the wild. Ask David_B on Windows 10 newsgroup.
Turn off the HTML, clueless fuckwit.
😉 Good Guy 😉
2019-02-06 22:29:25 UTC
Post by Dave Smith
Turn off the HTML, clueless fuckwit.
No problem. Have some more here; Is your mum still on the game sucking
men's cock?
Post by Dave Smith
Path: aioe.org!news.uzoreto.com!npeer.de.kpn-eurorings.net!npeer-ng0.de.kpn-eurorings.net!peer03.ams1!peer.ams1.xlned.com!news.xlned.com!peer03.am4!peer.am4.highwinds-media.com!peer01.iad!feed-me.highwinds-media.com!news.highwinds-media.com!post01.iad!fx44.iad.POSTED!not-for-mail
Newsgroups: aioe.news.helpdesk
Subject: Re: BadWords
User-Agent: Xnews/5.04.25
Lines: 17
NNTP-Posting-Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2019 22:08:46 UTC
Organization: http://www.NewsDemon.com
Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2019 22:08:46 GMT
X-Received-Bytes: 1016
X-Received-Body-CRC: 4116119392
Xref: aioe.org aioe.news.helpdesk:6545
With over 950 million devices now running Windows 10, customer
satisfaction is higher than any previous version of windows.
2019-02-07 08:58:42 UTC
Post by Dave Smith
Turn off the HTML, clueless fuckwit.
it's temporary allowed here
Dave Smith
2019-02-07 20:05:18 UTC
Post by Aioe
Post by Dave Smith
Turn off the HTML, clueless fuckwit.
it's temporary allowed here
Only cluless fuckwits would, as you can tell by 'good guy's'
reply. Can you teach him to be less of an assclown?
😉 Good Guy 😉
2019-02-07 22:53:31 UTC
Post by Dave Smith
Only cluless fuckwits would, as you can tell by 'good guy's'
reply. Can you teach him to be less of an assclown?
*How's your mum these days? Has she died? She was a prolific street
worker but obviously STD is a terrible illness.*
With over 950 million devices now running Windows 10, customer
satisfaction is higher than any previous version of windows.
2019-02-08 16:12:06 UTC
Post by Aioe
Post by Dave Smith
Turn off the HTML, clueless fuckwit.
it's temporary allowed here
So any clue why my post was banned due to BadWord?

2019-02-08 19:10:47 UTC
Post by A.P.Richelieu
Post by Aioe
Post by Dave Smith
Turn off the HTML, clueless fuckwit.
it's temporary allowed here
So any clue why my post was banned due to BadWord?
A partial match on Rick\ C\. ?

Remove the quoted signature you're replying to.


2019-02-07 08:57:37 UTC
Post by A.P.Richelieu
I got a message rejected for using BadWords in comp.arch.fpga.
What is wrong with this?
"Badwords" means that you've inserted inside your From or your body a
forbidden word

Currently the following words are forbidden:

Flachmann:100:100:Tedesco pesantemente diffamato
jihadwatch\.org:100:100:Nazi Spam
Elderslie\ NSW\ 2570|02\-4658\-0092|13\ Bruchhauser\
Crescent:100:100:Unauthorized disclosure of personal data
Daniele\ Minotti:100:100:Italian lawyer defamed on USENET
Rick\ C\.\ Hodgin:100:100: bible spam
6\ Stanton\ Gardens:100:100: uk legal
M20\ 2PT:100:100: uk legal

Paola\ Capurro:100:100: Ottone
Denise\ Alpi:100:100: Ottone
Filippo\ Alpi:100:100: Ottone