SSL Certificate Expired
(too old to reply)
😉 Good Guy 😉
2020-03-22 18:01:39 UTC
When trying to connect to your server, I am getting an error box
indicating that your SSL certificate has expired.
thank you very much for your alert
letsencrypt sucks
Why not route your server via Cloudflare <https://www.cloudflare.com/>

They have a free version and they look after the certificate automatically.

I hope the Covid-19 is over soon in Italy because it seems the death
rate is going up almost daily. Spain is also in a real mess right now.

We in London/UK have new restrictions and now there is nowhere to go!!
No pubs; No restaurants, No Gym, No libraries, Nothing.

what amazes me is how this all spread so fast. Is it spread via the air?

I am avoiding all contacts with people and I keep distance from them
all. they don't like it but the times are different. We can't afford
to take risks.
With over 1.2 billion devices now running Windows 10, customer
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2020-03-23 17:07:14 UTC
Post by 😉 Good Guy 😉
When trying to connect to your server, I am getting an error box
indicating that your SSL certificate has expired.
thank you very much for your alert
letsencrypt sucks
Why not route your server via Cloudflare <https://www.cloudflare.com/>
Because this shit ask for captcha.
2020-03-28 14:27:47 UTC
only certbot sux,,, its useless as tits on a bull...
we use acme.sh its never missed a beat
Post by 😉 Good Guy 😉
When trying to connect to your server, I am getting an error box
indicating that your SSL certificate has expired.
solved thank you very much for your alert letsencrypt sucks
Why not route your server via Cloudflare <https://www.cloudflare.com/>
They have a free version and they look after the certificate
I hope the Covid-19 is over soon in Italy because it seems the death
rate is going up almost daily. Spain is also in a real mess right now.
We in London/UK have new restrictions and now there is nowhere to go!!
No pubs; No restaurants, No Gym, No libraries, Nothing.
what amazes me is how this all spread so fast. Is it spread via the air?
I am avoiding all contacts with people and I keep distance from them
all. they don't like it but the times are different. We can't afford
to take risks.